Thursday 11th July 2024

WISH London Chair, Hony Premlal, is running for CIH Vice President

WISH is proud to announce that its London Regional Chair, Hony Premlal, is running for Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).

WISH London Chair, Hony Premlal, is running for CIH Vice President

WISH is proud to announce that its London Regional Chair, Hony Premlal, is running for Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH). Hony's journey from a small village in India to a leading figure in the UK social housing sector is a testament to her determination, resilience, and commitment to making a difference.

Hony Premlal's career spans nearly three decades, during which she has transitioned from a front-line worker to a Managing Director and Chair within the social housing sector. Arriving in the UK in 1993 with limited English skills, she has overcome significant challenges through hard work and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Today, Hony is a renowned social housing consultant, mentor, and coach, helping organisations and individuals navigate and overcome challenges in the housing sector.

Her roles as Chair of Eldon Housing Association and Women in Social Housing (WISH) London demonstrate her dedication to fostering growth and professional development in the community. Hony's campaign for CIH Vice President is driven by her passion for social housing and her commitment to diversity, visibility, and advocacy.

"I am deeply honoured to be running for Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Housing," said Hony. "Social housing is a cornerstone of our communities, providing stability and growth. My journey has been about continuous learning and professional development, and I aim to bring this spirit to the CIH."

Hony's campaign focuses on four key goals:

  1. Raising the Profile of Social Housing: Advocating for policymakers to prioritise social housing on national and local agendas.
  2. Increasing Diversity: Promoting greater diversity in board and senior leadership positions to reflect society's rich diversity.
  3. Promoting Housing Careers: Showcasing housing as an attractive career path for young people, inspiring the next generation to join the sector.
  4. Enhancing CIH Visibility: Boosting the profile of CIH, increasing membership, and promoting professional standards within the housing industry.

As Chair of WISH London, Hony has been a beacon of inspiration for women in the sector. Her leadership and advocacy have significantly contributed to the growth and empowerment of women in social housing. WISH London is confident that Hony will bring the same dedication and vision to the CIH, driving positive change and progress.

Hony's dedication to social housing, commitment to diversity, and passion for professional development make her an outstanding candidate for CIH Vice President. We are incredibly proud of her and believe she will be a fantastic Vice President.

WISH urges all members and supporters to vote for Hony Premlal in the upcoming CIH elections. Her election as Vice President would not only be a significant milestone for women in social housing but also a step forward in raising the profile and impact of the entire sector.

For more information on Hony Premlal's campaign and to support her bid for CIH Vice President watch the following videos:

Listen from Hony here...


Listen from WISH President, Tracey McEachran.


Please cast your vote by clicking below...




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