Saturday 15th July 2017

Sun Shines On WISH North Wales Summer Social

WISH North Wales wished for good weather for their Summer social and got it for the event at The Mulberry at Conwy Marina.

WISH members and guests were treated to a barbeque buffet and a short introduction to the work of Care and Repair by Wendy Bowden which showed how little it takes to make a real difference to someone’s life.

The money from the raffle, £130, went to Care and Repair, North East Wales.

Sponsored by Building Careers UK, the raffle prizes at the event were donated by Seddon, Hough Bellis Communications, Trowers, C2K Developments Ltd, Planning Conditions- thank you to everyone for taking the time to donate a raffle prize!

For further information on all WISH events for 2017 please contact the Chair: [email protected] or #WISHNorthWales

Inspiring women to inspire others

Haul yn tywynnu ar WISH yn yr Haf

Dymunodd WISH am dywydd braf far gyfer eu digwyddiad haf yn y Mulberry yng Nghonwy a dyna gafwyd!

Cafodd aelodau a gwestai buffet barbaciw a chyflwyniad byr gan Wendy Bowden o Gofal a Thrwsio i’w gwaith, gan ddangos gall y gwahaniaeth lleiaf gael effaith mawr ar fywyd rhywun.

Fe aeth yr arian o’r raffl,£130, i Gofal a Thrwsio Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru

Noddwyd gan Building Careers UK,cafodd y gwobrau raffl eu rhoi gan Seddon,Hough Bellis Communication,Trowers,C2K Developments Cyf,Planning Conditions-diolch i bawb am roi amser i roi gwobrau raffl!

Am wybodaeth bellach am ddigwyddiadau WISH ar gyfer 2017 cysylltwch gyda’r Cadeirydd

[email protected] neu #WISHNorthWales

Ysbrydoli merched i ysbrydoli eraill

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