Sunday 30th January 2022

Benefits of being a Board member by Sophie Wells

Sophie Wells has been a WISH Midlands Board member since June 2021 and so far she's loved it!

Benefits of being a Board member by Sophie Wells

I’ve been a WISH Midlands Board member since June 2021 and so far, I’ve loved it! I feel it’s given me the opportunity to develop, and I’ve made some great friends along the way. Have you been thinking about joining the Board but unsure what it entails or whether it’s for you? If so, read on and find out a bit more about what we get up to.

Many of us have busy day jobs and volunteering can drop to the bottom of our to do list. This new year make some time for you! As a Board, we support one another by all mucking in to get the job done. What works well is that we all come from different backgrounds and organisations, so our array of perspectives helps us to make the best decisions. What helps to structure us at WISH Midlands is that we all have a specific role. So, whatever you specialise in, whether it’s finance or HR, there’s a role for you! I help with the Marketing and Communications, which is my area of expertise working in Communications at Wolverhampton Homes. On the Board there’s a real sense of trust and belonging, as if for a good reason you can’t do something, someone else will step up to the plate and vice versa. I must express though, you do need to give half a day or so of your time a month, as it’s such a fantastic tool for women working within social housing to share, support and inspire, that we want it to be the best it can be!

Joining the Board has broadened my network as I’ve gained friends and mentors. On the Board I work closely with Elaine, Director of Marketing and Partnerships at Aspire Housing, and as a longstanding Board member she’s made me feel really welcome. Ellie Moston, an Apprentice also from Aspire, helps the Board with social media and graphics, and I look forward to our marketing catch ups every month or so. We chat mostly about upcoming events, national days, and possible marketing projects, and most importantly we share stories of our weekend antics and photos of our cute dogs! It’s fab having people outside of the business to bounce ideas off, and I’ve really valued their input when chatting about our day jobs and discussing what could be done differently.

Which leads me nicely onto my last point, the reason we all know and love WISH, is to build and empower a community of women.Our last event encapsulates why the organisation is fantastic to be involved in, a webinar with Kathryn Robb: “Be the Leading Lady of Your Own Movie”. It was a great feel good afternoon and the perfect start to the year. 

 I’ve loved the event management side of things and it’s fun to discuss ideas at our quarterly WISH Midlands Board meetings. Not only does it help to build my confidence in creating such events as we plan four a year, but the sessions themselves are worthwhile. They help to lift my spirits as they are designed to motivate and empower WISH members, which is why it’s the best Board to be a part of!


So, what are you waiting for? If you’re also looking to develop and want to meet likeminded women in the sector, get in touch: [email protected]. We’re a friendly bunch and are looking for women who will share their expertise and time with us, to help further build our WISH community of inspiring individuals.

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